Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December Update

I called the Social Worker today, to ask how long our homestudy would be valid and if we needed to do any thing to our profile.She said that the profile was perfect and that our homestudy would be good for 2 years and that we would have a baby long before it will be time to renew it.She said the agency had several moms they were working with and wanted to know what we were doing for Christmas and I told her we had nothing planned.I told her about an up comming trip and she asked who would be keeping Precious Daughter.I told her that my mother in law would be.As usual she ended our conversation with "hope to be talking to you soon".All I can say is that it was an interesting conversation and that I am not going to read anything into it.I know that when we are meant to get our son we will.
On the home front the nursery is complete all we need is a baby and diapers (still can't decide which ones to use).Precious Daughter is a bit discouraged because it is taking so long to get a baby brother.I try to be encouraging.....but I know how she feels.

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