Friday, January 2, 2009

Bringing Baby Home

We brought our baby boy home on 12/10/08.It has been a little over 3 weeks and at times it's still hard to believe that we are a family of 4.Our family is finally complete.We feel so blessed to have the opportunity to raise another child.Everyone seems to be adjusting well.Looking back, the entire adoption process was well worth the wait.We should have the legal stuff taken care of in January or early February.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Call

On Thursday December 4,2008 we received "the call".I was at work and Love instant messaged me saying that our Social Worker called and said she had a 1 month old baby for us!!!Right at that moment the door opened at the office...(No one had came in for the last 2 hours I had been there).So after what seemed like an eternity I was able to call Love. We talked about the situation and told our Socail Worker we would be interested in the situation.She asked when could we see her. We both said we could be on our way now.When we got to the Adoption Agency we were told more about the situation and we decided the baby would be a perfect match for us.We will be picking him up on 12/10/08.When we told Precious Daughter she jumped up and down for about 5 minutes.At first it wasn't sinking in yet. I think it won't be real until He's home with us.So our adoption journey took 9 months and 5 days!!!Our social worker made the comment that she thinks that adoptive parents have a sixth sense about when they have a match...because remember I called her on Wednesday.She said she knew then but she could not say anything because she was waiting on medical paper work.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December Update

I called the Social Worker today, to ask how long our homestudy would be valid and if we needed to do any thing to our profile.She said that the profile was perfect and that our homestudy would be good for 2 years and that we would have a baby long before it will be time to renew it.She said the agency had several moms they were working with and wanted to know what we were doing for Christmas and I told her we had nothing planned.I told her about an up comming trip and she asked who would be keeping Precious Daughter.I told her that my mother in law would be.As usual she ended our conversation with "hope to be talking to you soon".All I can say is that it was an interesting conversation and that I am not going to read anything into it.I know that when we are meant to get our son we will.
On the home front the nursery is complete all we need is a baby and diapers (still can't decide which ones to use).Precious Daughter is a bit discouraged because it is taking so long to get a baby brother.I try to be encouraging.....but I know how she feels.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

October update

I spoke with our socialworker who stated that one of the offices called and wanted to know if we were still available to be shown to a few of the mothers they were currently working with.She said she called them back and left a message stating that we were eagerly waiting.She told me that she did not know any of the mothers' due date and that she would call me when she heard anything.After a week of not hearing from her I called her back and she said she still hasn't heard anything. This could mean several things:1.) the mothers have due dates that are far off, 2.)we were not chosen,and or 3.)the social worker still doesn't know .It's been at least 2 weeks from when I spoke with our socialworker but who knows.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


On Tuesday, we spoke with our Social Worker who said that we had been chosen by not 1 but 2 possible situations. The mothers decided to parent , which is great because they can keep their families together. I guess we should be sad, but we are both happy that we were even considered for not 1 but 2 possible situations. We were also told that the agency is working with several mothers at the current time.She also said that she hoped to talk to us soon. I am probaly reading into this but how cool would it be for us to get the call soon!!So we continue to patiently wait.

Monday, May 26, 2008


I have been praying that if our son is out there growing in a Mommy's tummy that God watches over them both and keeps them healthy and safe.I have also been praying that God leads and guides his first Mommy in making the decision that is right for them both.On a selfish note I have been praying that I am able to deal with the wait...the long,long wait.I know that everything happens in God's timming but I am anxious to see how everything will play out and when it will play out.I can't wait for our family to be complete.

More Waiting

Originally I had promised myself that I would not call the adoption agency until 5/28/08 (3 month mark of waiting) to check and see if our interim social worker had heard anything.Well, I called last Wednesday and was told that our local office had no mothers...and that she did not know about the other offices.Well it really doesn't matter about the local office since we requested not to be shown to local mothers!!!We requested to be shown to mothers in neighboring towns.I guess I was and am a little dissatisfied with her response because it seems as if she would have been touching base with neighboring offices and that basically she responded as if I were bothering her. I will chalk it up to maybe she ws having a bad day.In 3 more months I will call the adoption agency again and hopefully our social worker will be back from medical leave or our interim social worker will be having a better day.