Monday, March 17, 2008


Although we have not been waiting long, I feel like we have been waiting a long long time. I have been wanting another child since Precious daughter was 4 years old. All the false alarms, attending other people's baby showers, listening to people say they did not even want to be pregnant, and how they weren't even trying to get pregnant.I won't lie it has been a very heart breaking 5 years. I even had to stop going to baby showers because I was so depressed that we have not had another baby. I then began to think maybe we just did not deserve to have another baby. Then I was like maybe it is just not meant to be for us to have another baby.
I began to pray to be content with what I had and not to long for what i did not have.Months would go by and the want for another baby would come back.No matter how long it stayed away something would trigger it and the longing would come back. Oh yea I forgot to mention that I love kids, love being around them, and they are drawn to me and I to them.
So I came to the conclusion, that God did not want me to be content and that we are meant to have another child....through adoption.

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