Sunday, March 30, 2008


Where to start...Have you ever just been so happy you can not stop smiling and do not want to?Well that's how I've been feeling the past few months.I don't know if it is because we are closer than we have ever been to completing our family or what.I hope it is the fact that I am more aware of how God is so good!! What I do know is that I am constantly thanking God for all he has brought us through. At work when one of my clients come in and complains about what they don't have. I always tell them it could always be worst and that we should always be thankful for what we do have.Thinking back ....when Love and I first got married we had nothing, materialistically but we did have three very important things we had Faith, Each other, and Family.We may have wanted for things but we have never went without anything.With all we have been through one thing I can honestly say is that I have never doubted God's ability to lead us and guide us through everything and I am a very strong believer that God will never give us more than we can handle.
OK on the adoption front we have officially been waiting a month and two days!!
The nursery is pretty much complete. Love picked Michigan to be the theme.We are still excited.I have been picturing how things will play out.I know the perfect situation is out there for us and I can't wait to bring our new bundle of joy home. Now the task at hand is to prepare Precious Daughter to be able to cope with not being the only child.She told me before that she is "used to sharing mommy but not her daddy, because mommy you like holding babies." Everything that brings to mind something that she done when she was a baby we share with her.To try to give her an idea of what to expect.We are also constantly asking her how she feels about being a Big Sister. She says she is excited, but will be more excited when the baby gets here. To me that's understandable, that he is not as real to her as he will be.We have been letting her know that when the baby does get here if we are doing something and the baby needs his diaper changed or to be fed that mommy or daddy will have to stop to do that. Right now she seems to understand but I guess time will tell. Love and I have been talking about how we will make sure that Precious Daughter has one on one time with both of us.

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