Monday, March 17, 2008

The Wait

Dealing with the i said I have been waiting for 5 years to hold another baby in my arms that was ours. During our joint visit with the Social worker, Love and I asked what the wait list was for an African American infant male and we were told that there was a zero wait and that it was hard to place African American infant males.We turned in 5 profiles for our Social Worker to distribute to neighboring agencies.As you all know the internet can be our enemies and our friends. All of the reading i have done has confirmed what our Social Worker said that African American infant males were hard to place and placed quickly when they could be placed.I am a very organized person and do not like things hanging over my head..especially things that i have no control over!!I know no one knows what is in store for us.I guess I just don't like the unknown..who does?On the bright side we are closer than we ever have been to having another baby!!!Which is very exciting!!!We have put a few things in the nursery.It still is not completely finished. A little voice is telling me to get the nursery done because it could be any day now and another little voice tells me to not finish the nursery until we get a match.

1 comment:

Hipsley said...

If you will feed me steak and Lobster I will let you practice with me.